Avril Harris Wins Healthier You Award

Avril Harris from Prince George won the Healthier You Award for his outstanding contribution to youth through "Let's Play" Nothern BC Program.
The sixth annual award dinner took place November 9th at the Coast Inn of the North and honoured individuals and groups who have made a difference to the health of the community. The awards include 10 categories and Avirl was awarded one of the awards "Youth Initiative of the Year" sponsored by Prince Gorge Family YMCA. This award goes to one that has developed or introduced a product or service which enhances the helath and wellness of yout in Northen BC.
Avril has introduced many people to inclusive physical activities and wheelchair sports through Northern BC. This contributes to the health and wellness of youth within Northern British Columbia. Avril has helped promote education and awareness of sport and physical disabilities in as many ways as possible including “Let’s Play” Northern BC. This has provided youth with the benefit of valuable active experiences based on all students’ abilities resulting in:
- Social change for the school
- Seamless inclusion and personal growth for all students
- An introduction for individuals to participate in wheelchair basketball and other wheelchair sport opportunities in their community.
Integration of able-bodied participants is one of the key elements in increasing ability to reach out and support local community development. Events like these are a catalyst for change, providing a memorable experience that everyone involved can contribute to and enjoy. Avril has been able to provide students with physical disabilities as well as their peers with valuable experiences and education that is fun and simultaneously builds disability awareness and inclusion.