Special Notice for BCWBS Athletes and Coaches

Notice of information on Coronavirus.
To all athletes & coaches,
Please see below for important information about Coronavirus from Canadian Sport Institute Pacific’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Paddy McCluskey
Regarding 2019 novel Coronavirus:
At this time, there is no imminent danger or serious threat posed by this virus in British Columbia or the rest of Canada.
Routine hand hygiene is the best defense for this and all respiratory illnesses - please wash your hands frequently and/or use hand sanitizer.
Wipe frequently-touched surfaces with disinfectant wipes.
If you cough or sneeze, do so into your elbow, not on your hands; and wash your hands thereafter if needed.
There is no protection offered by wearing, nor a need to wear, surgical or N95 face masks.
If you have recently travelled to an affected area (central eastern China) and have symptoms (cough, fever, difficulty breathing), please notify a health care provider immediately and avoid contact with others; wash your hands.
If you have symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, fever, sneezing, etc.) but have not travelled to an affected area nor been in contact with anyone who has done so, stay at home and treat the illness symptomatically as you would any cold or mild flu.
Travel to central-eastern China is not advised at this time. See Canadian Government Travel Advisories for further information.
Additional detailed information from the Government of British Columbia can be found at http://www.bccdc.ca/about/
news-stories/stories/2020/ information-on-novel- coronavirus If you have any questions, please contact CSI Pacific CMO Dr. Paddy McCluskey; pmccluskey@csipacific.ca