Nominations Open for the BCWBS Annual Awards!

In an effort to recognize outstanding contributions and achievements in the sport of wheelchair basketball in British Columbia, the following 9 awards are distributed annually by the BC Wheelchair Basketball Society. Nominations are now open. To nominate someone deserving, please click here to download the application form.
Full nomination criteria can be found below:
* Athlete of the Year (male and female categories)
* Junior Athlete of the Year
* Coach of the Year
* Volunteer of the Year
* Official of the Year
* Outstanding Community Support Award
* MJ Boudreault Award
* Kenny Hall Spirit Award
Nomination Criteria:
Athlete of the Year (male and female)
Criteria - Any wheelchair basketball athlete 19 years of age or over in the province of BC. Nominees in this category should have demonstrated outstanding performance athletically during the year of 2015.
Junior Athlete of the Year
Criteria - Any wheelchair basketball athlete under 19 years of age in the province of BC. Nominees in this category do not have to demonstrate outstanding performance but rather should display commitment and enthusiasm in their sport.
Coach of the Year
Criteria - Any coach who has resided in BC for the past year and has been responsible for coaching wheelchair basketball at any level of competition. Nominees in this category should demonstrate commitment and dedication as a coach throughout the year(s).
Volunteer of the Year
Criteria - Any British Columbian who has volunteered his/her time in support of the development of wheelchair basketball in BC.
Official of the Year
Criteria - Any official who has resided in BC for the past year and officiated wheelchair basketball at any level of competition. Nominees in this category should demonstrate commitment and dedication as an official throughout the year of 2015.
Outstanding Community Support Award
Criteria - Any individual, organization or business that has made a significant impact in the development of wheelchair basketball in BC, financially or otherwise.
MJ Boudreault True Sport Award
Criteria – Any individual who best displays MJ's dedication to sport and training, leadership, and competitive drive. MJ was one of our most dedicated athletes who passed away in 2011. MJ had a great competitive spirit and was a great leader in our community.
Kenny Hall Spirit Award
Criteria - Any individual whose love of wheelchair basketball has been demonstrated through his or her sportsmanship, mentorship, on and off the court, and, as a general ambassador of the game. This award is presented in honor of Kenny Hall who was a big part of BCWBS community and passed away in 2013.