BC Beats Nova Scotia At the 2015 Canada Winter Games!

Team BC refocused and came back strong to beat Nova Scotia 53-38 at the 2015 Canada Winter Games! We're now in consolation round action, so we'll be playing against New Brunswick tomorrow at 1 pm. If we win, we'll likely finish in sixth place.
Off the court, we enjoyed a little celebrity status today. The Higgins sisters were featured on Canada Games TV (click here to watch), and all of our athletes enjoyed signing our trading cards for autograph-seeking fans.
As our campaign winds down, we'd like to thank the coaches, the support staff, the officials, the volunteers, the friends and family cheering like crazy back home and everyone who worked so hard to make this a special experience for our athletes.
We'll need your support to take on New Brunswick! Cheer us on live on the webcast here!