Final Results from 2016 CWBL National Championship

It was an exciting weekend full of high intensity games during the 2016 CWBL National Championship in Kamloops last weekend!
Here is a quick re-cap of how all the teams did this weekend at CWBL Nationals.
Tier 1: Bronze medal game went to the Twin City Spinners 56-54 in a very close and hard fought match against BC!
Gold Medal game went to Quebec 61-48 vs the Academy.Bulldogs de Quebec win their third consecutive Gold!! Congrats to Quebec!
Thank you to everyone who came out to watch! A huge shout out to our AMAZING volunteers who gave us their weekend to help make this Championship a wonderful success. Thank you to all our sponsors and KASA for all the hard work!
The final standings:
Tier 1:
1) Quebec
2) Academy
3) Spinners
4) BC
5) Northern Lights
6) Calgary
Tier 2
1) Club 99
2) Cruiser/Suns
3) Kamloops Bulldogs
4) Manitoba