Breakers and Be Squad Invitational This Weekend in Langley

BC Breakers and BC Be Squad teams are hosting a tournament this weekend, May 7 & 8, at Trinity Western Universtiy in Langley.
We are very excited to welcome five out of province AND country team coming to this tournament.
For the women's side, a team from Japan and from Seattle will be competitng against BC Breakers that is getting ready for nationals in Montreal on the following weekend (May 13-15) .
For the men's side, our Be Squad players (i.e. upcoming and a few current provincial team members) will be competing against the teams from Seattle, Tacoma, and Alberta.
Everyone is welcome to come watch these exciting games. Check out the game schedule and come cheer for your favorite teams/players!
Date: May 7 & 8 (Sat & Sun)
Venue: Trinity Western University - 7600 Glover Road Langley, BC V2Y 1Y1
Schedul: Click here