Updated June 29, 2020 --BCWBS Return to Sport Planning Statement

At the present time BCWBS continues to monitor the information provided by public health officials and is in regular contact with viaSport BC and Wheelchair Basketball Canada. We thought, with segments of the BC and Canadian economy opening, it would be a good time to provide all of our members with an update on our Return to Sport plans as they continue to evolve.
BCWBS Back to Basketball Plan, June 2020
Throughout this process, the health and safety of our staff, members, clubs and community remains our first priority and is at the core of our strategy and decision making. We are also aiming to align with provincial health authorities adhering to provincial rules along with the National Return to Sport policies that are in development and will be communicated to us through Wheelchair Basketball Canada and Canada Basketball and their Back to Basketball Strategy.
Where we are now:
The BC Provincial Health Officer/Ministry of Health will announce the multi-Phase Return to Sport Plan. Return to Sport Guidelines will be provided to the Provincial Sport Organizations by viaSport, after review by Public Health Officials and WorkSafe BC. Based on these general guidelines, BCWBS is working to finalize our (BCWBS) wheelchair basketball competitive and club/community sport guidelines that will be communicated to all of our members, clubs and regions. These guidelines will be specific to BCWBS organized programs and the competitive programs run by BCWBS. We hope that our clubs and regions will make decisions based on what is happening in your own communities and with what you feel most comfortable with restarting.
- viaSport BC has launched some FAQ’s around the Return to Sport Plan for BC. Click to learn more.
- Sport and Law Strategy Group has some tips for Maintaining Safe Sport during COVID-19
- Sport Medicine Advisory Committee Update
- BC Government Go Forward Strategy Check List
- Keep checking with the BC Centre for Disease Control on how to protect yourself, your family and your community and what to do if you suspect you have the virus.
We will continue to suspend and postpone all of our public BCWBS programs until further notice. Please continue to check our website and weekly newsletter for updates in coming weeks.
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