BCWBS Accepts Applications for 2010-2011 Season Division 1 Draft

BCWBS is accepting applications for 2010-2011 Season Division 1 draft. Please see below for the league overview.
Division 1 Goals:
- To develop high performance players in BC
- To develop high performance coaches in BC
- To provide even and high level competitive games in a club environment
- To send a representative club team from the BC CWBL conference that will be nationally competitive and achieve medal round results
Players’ selection: Draft
Upon your submission of the application, you must:
- Be a BCWBS member in good standing (i.e. submitted the membership fee and form)
- Be an athlete in good standing (i.e. singed the athlete code of conduct, no outstanding fees from the previous seasons)
- All the eligible athletes are welcome to declare their intention with an application form to participate in Division 1. However, it must be noted that this is a competitive and high level league where many national team and provincial team players participate.
- A Division 1 committee (BCWBS coaching staff, Managing Director, Program Coordinator) will select those who will be in the draft pool based on the athletes’ applications.
- (* The coaching staff will follow up with those who have not selected.)
- Depending on the number of players in the pool, the committee selects coaches/coaching reps to draft the teams.
- The Div 1 coaches/coaching reps pick player alternatively for their teams. A coach/coaching rep is defined as a non player.
- (* The order of picking reverses every second round. E.g. Team A -> B -> C -> D -> D -> C -> B -> A -> A -> B… etc.)
- It is possible that there would be some players in the pool who might not get selected for any teams. However, we will keep their names on a list for an alternate pool and if any reinforcement is needed, they will be called up to play in Div 1.
Important Dates:
Application deadline: Sept 1, 2010
Draft date: Sept 15, 2010
Team Announcement: Following business day of the draft date – will be posted on BCWBS website
Division 1 League
- It is a competitive and the highest level club team league in BC.
- The games will be played by the guidelines set out by the technical committee of Wheelchair Basketball Canada. (i.e. Point system, number of games, impact players per team, minimum number of players per team, etc.)
- The BC Conference CWBL Champions will receive first priority to attend the CWBL Open Finals. In 2011, this team will also obtain the first seeding at the CWBL Open Finals. A team must have a minimum of 7 players and 1 staff in attendance to be eligible to play games at the CWBL Open Finals. In the event that the 1st place team can not attend, the 2nd team place team will be offered the spot and finally the 3rd place team should the 2nd team not be able to attend.
- When traveling out of province to attend the CWBL Finals, BCWBS will coordinate the travel arrangements and other logistics for the team. BCWBS will pay for the registration and airfare for the 1st place team in the BC Conference and will endeavour to also pay for van rentals should funds be available. Accommodation costs are the individual athlete/teams responsibility. When BC (i.e. BCWBS and BC Division 1 teams) hosts the CWBL Open Finals, the team/players may be assessed a small athlete registration fee.
- The player registration fee is $100 for lower mainland players and $75 for regional players. This is one-time fee for league play throughout the season and is allocated to cover partial costs associated with running the BC-CWBL Division 1 league.
- All players must submit $100.00 Performance Bond post-dated to March 1, 2011, with their league registration fee. Each missed game will result in a charge of $20.00 unless an absence waiver form is submitted as per the rule and the committee approves it.
- The Performance Bond (less applicable penalties for player absence or missed scorekeeping) of $100.00 will be returned to the player 14 days after the final championship game.
- Division 1 athlete rep(s) will be selected after the draft. The rep(s) will be a member of the Division 1 committee and will represent the athletes in the league. They need to be available for meetings that will be held pre- and post-season and as issues arise.
- Coaches may call up a replacement player from the Division 1 Alternate Pool or a Division 2 player to fill a scheduled absence (similar skill or class level or lower). The committee members must be notified of roster changes 24 hours in advance of game times unless there are exceptional circumstances (day of illness, injury, or travel issues).
- Rosters are set after the draft and changes will be made only for exceptional circumstances.
- The BCWBS will provide quality coaches for Division 1 teams.
- The limited travel subsidy and support for accommodation may be available for regional athletes. However, we highly recommend those athletes to stay with their teammates or family/friends and the lower mainland players to support them if possible for the good use of our limited resources.
- Division 1 games will not be scheduled to conflict with Division 2 games wherever possible.
- When BC (i.e. BCWBS and BC Division 1 teams) hosts the CWBL Open Finals, all the Division 1 athletes will be expected to contribute to the hosting especially in the preparation stages.
Tournament Dates
November 5-7: Douglas College New West – Div 1 games & HP Camp
November 26-28: Douglas College New West - Div 1 & 2 tournament
Jan. 7-9: Douglas College New West – Div 1 games & HP Camp
Feb 5/6: Trinity Western University (TBC) – CWBL Invitational
March 4-6: Douglas College New West
April: TBD - CWBL Open Finals
For more info and an application of intent form, please contact:
BC Wheelchair Basketball Society
Tel: 604-333-3530
Fax: 604-333-3450
Email: info@bcwbs.ca