Inferno Women’s Jamboree & Camp Announced

Girls and Ladies, don’t miss out the great wheelchair basketball opportunity in Edmonton on Thanksgiving weekend!
Date: Oct 9 & 10, 2010
Location: Edmonton, AB - The Edmonton Garrison, 97 Street Norht to Baseon Hwy 28A
Edmonton Inferno are inviting all interested athletes, refs & coaches to the 2010- 2011 pre-season Women’s Camp & Jamboree: developing skills, community and enthusiasm for women’s wheelchair basketball in Canada.
- All female athletes & all refs & coaches are welcome
- There are no camp fees, but travel and hotel are not provided
- Attendees can sign up & travel with their teams, or as individuals
- The camp coaches include national team head coach Bill Johnson
Skill clinics, video sessions, a referee clinic, cooperative coach development, socials & a jamboree-style tournament where coaches and athletes get to work with participants from other cities.
Interested teams, individuals, reffs & coaches are encouraged to contact Neil at ASAP. Neil will follow up with hotel and program details to those who register.