Want to try sledge hockey? Try it for free!

If you've ever wanted to try the fast-paced, hard-hitting sport of sledge hockey, now's your chance! The City of Surrey will be hosting a free sledge hockey introductory event on Saturday, Sept. 14th at the Surrey Sport & Leisure Complex. All sleds and sticks will be provided. There will be a limited number of gloves and helmets, so bring your own if you have them.
When: Saturday, Sept 14th
Time: 12:30 - 2 pm
Where: Surrey Sport & Leisure Complex, 16555 Fraser Highway, Rink #1
Cost: Free!
To register, call 604-501-5100, visit any Surrey recreation centre in person, or visit www.surrey.ca/register. The registration number is 4344563.
For more information, contact Ross MacDonald at 604-502-6321 or email rmacdonald@surrey.ca.