BC-CWBL Division 2 Team Registration is Open

Team registraions for the 2014-15 season BC-CWBL (BC Canadian Wheelchair Basketball League) Division 2 is open. Teams that wish to compete in the league must read the regulations before registering. Please note that there are a few changes in the regulations from last season, some of which include player eligibility, impact player rules, and non-region player rules.
<Team Registraion>
All teams must submit a team roster along with their league registration fee including performance bond by the deadline dates as shown below.
Regular Rate: $750 + $250 (performance bond), must be received by BCWBS Office by September 26 (Friday), 2014
Late Rate: $850 + $250 (performance bond), received by BCWBS Office after September 26 (Friday), 2014
Click here for 2014-15 BC-CWBL D2 Regulations
Click here for 2014-15 BC-CWBL D2 Registration Form
If you have any questions, please contact BCWBS office at info@bcwbs.ca.