SportZ Xtravaganza in Fort St. John

PacificSport Northern BC in partnership with many northern communities is facilitating SportZ Xtravaganza to bring awareness and participation opportunities of the 2015 Canada Winter Games (and Summer Games) sports to the youth and their families on one day, in conjunction with Sports Day in Canada. Try or learn about a sport activity during the day that is available through an organized local sport organization in your community.
Sports Day in Canada is a national celebration of sport at all levels in communities across the country presented by CBC Sports, ParticipACTION and True Sport.
Community: Fort St. John
Locations: Pomeroy Sport Centre, FSJ Fieldhouse & Curling Club, North Peace Secondary School
Time: 10am-3pm, September 22
Sports: Soccer, Speed Skating, Wheelchair Basketball, Curling & Hockey
For more info, click here