BCWBS Seeks Enthusiastic and Dedicated Individuals for our Board of Directors

As part of ongoing succession planning, BC Wheelchair Basketball, (BCWBS) is accepting applications from enthusiastic and dedicated individuals to serve on our volunteer Board of Directors.
Based in Vancouver, BCWBS is a non-profit organization formed in 1983 and registered with Revenue Canada as a charity. BCWBS is a dynamic organization actively committed to promoting opportunities for participation, recreation, competition, and excellence in the sport of wheelchair basketball in British Columbia, for all who wish to participate.
BCWBS is dedicated to supporting the development, promotion, and growth of wheelchair basketball in British Columbia by providing quality leadership, programs, and services.
About the BCWBS Board
The board follows a governance model and is responsible for providing oversight as well as strategic vision to set the long-term direction of the organization. Along with general board responsibilities, directors participate in committees with responsibilities including Finance & Audit, Policies, Procedures and membership and Athlete advisory. The Executive Director is accountable to the board. Front-line staff is responsible for implementing programs and services and is accountable to the Executive Director.
Commitment & Preferred Requirements
1. Commitment to serve as an advocate for the vision and mission of the organization.
2. Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of board governance including advocacy, finance, fund
development, strategic planning and succession planning.
3. Attendance at board meetings (4-5 per year, in-person or teleconference).
4. Willingness to serve on board committees.
5. Attendance at periodic meetings of assigned board committees.
6. Attendance at Annual General Meeting.
7. Support of, and participation in, fundraising events.
Directors serve for a two-year term and may be released at the end of their term, by resigning, or remain, according to BCWBS bylaws.
Please forward your resume with a brief explanation as to why you are interested in our organization to:
Executive Director at sian@bcwbs.ca
All applications will be handled in strict confidence. This opportunity closes on October 31st 2015.