Kamloops Adapted Sports Associaton (KASA) Announces Its Official Launch

Kamloops, BC – Kamloops Adapted Sports Association (KASA) is thrilled to announce its official launch, Saturday October 5th 6-8:30pm on court at the Tournament Capital Centre (TCC) in Kamloops. KASA will be showcasing its three sport offerings: wheelchair basketball, wheelchair tennis and handcycling. Joining KASA that evening will be BC Wheelchair Sports, BC Wheelchair Basketball and Adapted Sports Sun Peaks. All together, seven different adapted sports will be showcased.
Started by Jessica and Jon Vliegenthart, KASA is a new multi-sport club whose goal is to provide adapted sport opportunities in an integrated setting for everyone - people with disabilities, their friends/families or those just interested in adapted sport. Jessica is a Paralympian (London 2012, Wheelchair Basketball) and Jon is able-bodied with 16 years of adapted sport experience (Canada Games 2003 and 2007, Wheelchair Basketball). The club currently offers wheelchair basketball, wheelchair tennis, and handcycling and has partnerships with PacificSport, School District 73, the City of Kamloops, the Kamloops Tennis Club and
Adapted Sports Sun Peaks.
KASA is offering a Beginner Wheelchair Basketball session starting October 3 at the TCC. Sport chairs are provided, and everyone is welcome. KASA is also implementing a school program this November that integrates sports chairs into high school gym curriculum to introduce new physical literacy. Schools are encouraged to use the chairs in intramural programs as well! KASA currently offers wheelchair tennis on Tuesday nights, 7:30 to 8:30 pm at the Kamloops Tennis Club.
In partnership with the City of Kamloops, KASA currently offers integrated spin classes at the TCC where users with a disability have access to a handcycle on a trainer. KASA is proud to open its programs to the general public and we welcome inquiries from all athletes, disabled and able-bodied. KASA also welcomes inquires from those interested in coaching adapted sport.
Visit KASA’s website at www.kamloopsadaptedsport.com for more information on upcoming
Media Contact:
Jessica Vliegenthart
Kamloops Adapted Sports Association