BC Wheelchair Basketball Society Seeks Passionate Individuals To Serve on Board of Directors

| Oct 17, 2014 |
BC Wheelchair Basketball Society seeks two dynamic, passionate individuals to sit on our Board of Directors.
BCWBS is dedicated to supporting the development, promotion, and growth of wheelchair basketball in British Columbia by providing quality leadership, programs, and services, for all who wish to participate. We are seeking board members who:
- Are dynamic and open-minded;
Want to make an impact on a small non-profit;
- Have experience in event management or come from a business background;
- Have previous board experience (not essential, but would be an asset).
Experience with wheelchair basketball is not required, though would also be an asset.
If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact:
Sian Blyth, Executive Director
BC Wheelchair Basketball Society
Email: sian@bcwbs.ca