BC Hosts First Western Conference Tournament

This weekend, BC hosted the first Western Conference League tournament this weekend at Trinity Western University in Langley. Teams from Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatchewan visited to compete against two BC teams. BC 2 finished the tournament 3-1 and BC 1 went 1-3.
The Western Conference League's first tournament's results were:
Day 1
SK vs BC 1 56-62
Calgary vs Edm 23-44
BC 2 vs BC 1 57-38
Calgary vs SK 61-46
BC 2 vs Edm 53-65
Day 2
Calgary vs BC 2 31-63
SK vs BC 2 56-73
Edm vs SK 64-56
Edm vs BC 1 52-49
Calgary vs BC 1 74-36
A big thank you to the volunteers who scorekept the games over the weekend, to the teams that traveled to Langley, and to Tim Hortons for allowing us to treat volunteers with yummy doughnuts!