Gold Rush Shine At Kamloops Division Two Tournament

| Oct 23, 2013 |
A report from the Langley Gold Rush: The BC Gold Rush went undefeated in the recent Div 2 Tournament held in Kamloops on the October 5th and 6th weekend. The Gold Rush played hard and had a few close games but were able to stay ahead of the pack for the entire tournament. The hosting Kamloops team had a great tournament as well, coming in 2nd with 3 close wins and 1 loss to the champs.The tournament was a great success and lots of fun, and we thank Kamloops for hosting us all!
This weekend also included the official launch of Kamloops Adaptive Sports Association (KASA), where BCWSA and BCWBS came for a Have A Go which was to show the different programs offered around BC. Some of the sports we showcased in Kamloops were Basketball, Rugby, Racing, and Throws. We had many different people come out for the evening and had a great time showing off the different wheelchair sports. Thank you to KASA, BCWSA, and all who came out to help or support, it was a great evening that brought awareness and fun to those who joined us.
Game Results
Day 1:
Cable Cars vs Victoria – 51 – 29
Okanagan vs Gold Rush – 38-66
Victoria vs Kamloops – 46-48
Okanagan vs Cable Cars – 50-74
Gold Rush vs Kamloops – 63-35
Day 2:
Gold Rush vs Victoria – 49-41
Kamloops vs Cable Cars – 55-52
Okanagan vs Victoria – 66-69
Gold Rush vs Cable Cars – 58-54
Kamloops vs Okanagan 53-45