Junior Challenge Registration Deadline is Nov 1!!

Don't miss this fun and exciting tournament only for junior players!
All the junior players (8-24 years old) in BC and from out of province are welcome to participate in the 11th Anual Junior Wheelchair Bsketball Challenge!!
Registration deadline is November 1.
Date: November 13/14, 2010
Location: McRoberts Secondary School - 8980 Williams Rd. Richmond, BC
Divisions: Mini-Basket (8 1/2 ft) & 10ft Hoop
Registration Fee:
Current BCWBS Members/Out of Province participants - $10/per person with payment received by Nov 1
Non-members (BC Residence) - $30/person with payment received by Nov 1
Late Registration Fee - Please add $5 of late registration charge to the above fees after Nov 1
* BC players who do not already have a jersey will need to purchase one for $20.
Please contact Makiko Harada, program coodrinator at info@bcwbs.ca or at 604-333-3532 for more info and for the registration form.