BC-CWBL Kelowna Tournament Held This Weekend

| Nov 09, 2016 |
BCWBS and Okanagan Thuder are hosting a BC-CWBL tournament in Kelowna this weekend. Everyone is welcome to come and watch the games. No adimmisions!
BC-CWBL Kelowna Tournament
When: November 12/13
Where: Kelowna Secondary School - 1079 Raymer Ave
Teams: Okangan Thunder, Kamloops Bull-dawgs, Langley Gold Rush,
Vancouver Classics, Vancouver Cable Cars, Victoria Chargers, Tacoma Titans
Saturday, November 12
Time | Home vs Away | TO | Home vs Away | TO | |
9:30am | Okagan vs Victoria | Cable Cars | Classics vs Gold Rush | Cable Cars | |
11:15am | Cable Cars vs Kamloops | Classics | Tacoma vs Gold Rush | Classics | |
12:15-1:15pm | AGM & Lunch | AGM & Lunch | |||
1:45pm | Victoria vs Classics | Tacoma | Cable Cars vs Okanagan | Tacoma | |
3:30pm | Kamloops vs Tacoma | Gold Rush |
Sunday, November 13
Time | Home vs Away | TO | Home vs Away | TO | |
9:00am | Tacoma vs Victoria | Kamloops | Cable Cars vs Gold Rush | Kamloops | |
10:45am | Kamloops vs Classics | Victoria | Tacoma vs Okanagan | Victoria | |
12:30pm | Victoria vs Gold Rush | Okanagan | Cable Cars vs Classics | Okanagan | |
1:45pm | Okanagan vs Kamloops |
Okanagan/Kamloops |
Good luck to all the teams!