Message from the Honourable Ida Chong - Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development

On behalf of the Province of British Columbia, I would like to extend my congratulations to British Columbian athletes for their success at the 2011 Pan Am Games and the 2011 Parapan Games in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The collective performance of these elite-level athletes gives residents across our Province reason to stand tall with pride. B.C. athletes at the Pan Am Games took home 27 of the 119 medals won by Team Canada - 12 Gold, 8 Silver and 7 Bronze. B.C. athletes at the Parapan Games won 18 of the 63 medals won by Team Canada – 3 Gold, 8 Silver, and 7 Bronze. These results are clear indication that B.C. athletes are on track to deliver impressive performances at the upcoming 2012 London Olympic/Paralympic Games.
The B.C. athletes that represented our Province and our country in Guadalajara were outstanding ambassadors for our growing sport system. They also serve as inspiration for British Columbians of all ages by encouraging us to set goals – whether they be lifestyle choices that can lead to the best personal health outcomes possible or goals that lead towards fulfilling our own dreams of achievement.
I would also like to acknowledge Provincial Sport Organizations, the provincial network of PacificSport Centres, coaches, trainers, staff, volunteers and athlete families that have supported our athletes on the road to the Pan Am and Parapan Games. You work tirelessly to ensure they have the skills, expertise and training opportunities they need to be successful at world competitions.
Ida Chong, FCGA
Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development