Let’s Play Project Update

The Let's Play Program is a cooperative effort between BC Wheelchair Basketball Society (BCWBS), the Rick Hansen Foundation and the Province of British Columbia. It is intended to help kids with mobility limitations to become physically active early in life by helping to establish the fundamental skills, knowledge and abilities needed to confidently participate in play, sport and physical education with their peers.
We’ve got great news - our first shipment of 10 sport wheelchairs has just come in and we hope to get the remainder soon. These chairs are destined to 25 kids in BC and programs throughout the province. We are currently working with organizations in Prince George, Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Delta, Kamloops, Powell River and Victoria to help launch programs to take advantage of these great chairs.
Stay tuned for a website designed to help administrators, facilitators and parents design, develop and deliver inclusive physical activity. We hope that all in the wheelchair sports community will join us in making this program a great success.