For Athletes
Victoria Wheelchair Basketball Seeking New Players
October 03, 2011 Wheelchair Basketball division of Victoria Wheelchair Sports are looking for new players. The group practices at Pacific Institute for Sports Excellence (PISE) at Camosun College's Interurban campus. Come on out on Suday night for skills and games. Check out this news article for more detail. (Page A21 & photo on the front page) read more...
Tim Frick City League - Week 4 Announcement
September 30, 2011 Hello City Leaguers! Thanks to everyone who gave their feedback on the new 4-on-4 format. Many of you noticed that there was a lot more scoring and ball-handling opportunities in 4 on 4, and that you enjoyed it. If you didn't like it or have some suggestions on how it can improve, however, feel free to drop Arley an email. Here's the schedule for week 5, Oct 4: 7:30 - 7:40: warmup 7:40 - 8:25: Team A vs. Team B 8:25 - 8:40: Skill Session 8:40 - 9:25: Team C vs. Team D. read more...
Langley Gold Rush and Chilliwack Cheetahs Junior Program Begin
September 27, 2011 We are excieted to offer the junior wheelchair basketball programs in Langley and in Chilliwack this season through the support of a Rick Hansen Institute Wheels in Motion Grant! These programs are open to junior players (age 8 – 18), both with a physical disability and without, from beginner to experienced players. For a quality sport experience, the ability to follow a sequence of instruction, good upper body mobility and the ability to use a manual chair is required. Registration fee: $55 + $20 membership fee or $5 drop-in fee read more...
Tim Frick City League - Week 3 Announcement
September 26, 2011 Hello Fall City Leaguers! We hope that you are ready for the third night of the fall city league tomorrow, Sept 27. First, an important announcement: For the first time, the Tim Frick City League will be played with 4-on-4 (4 players per team on a court at one time) instead of the traditional 5-on-5. Here's why: read more...
Fall Tim Frick City League Teams and Week 2 Schedule
September 19, 2011 Tim Frick Fall City League has started last Tuesday,September 13. Arley McNeney and Brian McLennon
lead the league for the first time, partnering up with the veteran coach Joe Higgins. It is great to see many familiar faces coming back from the last season while lots of new players registered and are to have FUN!
Here are the teams for this fall league and the schedule for Week 2:
New Season Kicks Off With The Junior Camp Success
September 02, 2011 On Saturday August 27th and Sunday August 28th at Douglas College, 16 athletes and 9 coaches participated in the first Junior and Juvenile wheelchair basketball camp of the season. Athletes between the ages of 11 and 25 came from as far away as Powell River and Kelowna to take part.
The weekend was full of fun, laughter and, of course, basketball. The camp was declared a success by all who participated, instructed, or simply watched.
West Coast Basketball Classic - September 9-11
September 01, 2011 The 3rd Annual West Coast Basketball Classic will host the wheelchair basketball division this year.
Where: Richmond Olympic Oval
When: September 9-11, 2011
Teams: BC - A, BC - B, Quebec, Team Canada, Junior Team Canada
Friday, September 9
5:00pm Wheelchair Basketball Referee Clinic
6:00pm Jr. Team Canada vs Quebec (Court 1)
7:30pm Team Canada vs BC - A (Court 1)
Surrey Jr Program Resumes on Sept 23
August 31, 2011 We are excieted to offer the Surrey junior wheelchair basketball program this season again!
Where: Tong Louie Family YMCA 14988 - 57 Ave, Surrey
When: Fridays, 5:30 – 7:00pm
Dates: Starting September 23rd, 2011 through March 2012
Cross Training Opportunity for Lower Mainland Athletes - Sledge Hockey
August 31, 2011 Find the information below on all of the exciting upcoming sledge hockey opportunities. The recreational programs are open to people of all ability levels and are geared towards beginners and athletes looking for fun games and scrimmages to improve their sledge hockey skills. The competitive Sport Ability program in Surrey is ideal for players who would like to think about playing in a more competitive program and/or [for people who] would like to take their game to the next level. read more...
Wheelchair Basketball Canada & Local Athletes Captivate Crowds at NBA Jam Session in Vancouver
August 24, 2011 From Wheelchair Basketball Canada Website
(Vancouver, BC) Wheelchair Basketball Canada athletes took the crowd by storm with a captivating showcase as part of the fun-filled festivities at NBA Jam Session August 20-21, 2011 at Queen Elizabeth Theatre Plaza in Vancouver, BC.