The BC Wheelchair Basketball Society (BCWBS) is a non-profit organization formed in 1983 and registered with Revenue Canada as a charity since 1985. BCWBS provides support to wheelchair basketball programs throughout British Columbia.
BCWBS FUNdraising Raffle 2020

September 08, 2020 We have a new FUNdraising Raffle happening until the draw October 19th, 2020. 100% of the proceeds goes back into additional programs and services for our BC Wheelchair Basketball members and to our Let's Play Families. Purchase a $10 ticket today. Anyone who purchases $100 in tickets, will receive a complimentary BCWBS 2020-21 Membership. read more...
BCWBS enters Phase 3 of our Return to Sport Plan (Updated September 4, 2020)

August 31, 2020 On August 24th, viaSportBC announced that Sport in BC is moving to Phase 3. BC Wheelchair Basketball is also currently in Phase 3 of our plan, as stated below. We will continue to slowly move forward and follow our plan, as we monitor the re-opening process of other sports, including other basketball organizations. We will adjust and update our plans and protocols if required. read more...
Updated Schedule: Wheelchair Basketball Summer Camp goes Virtual

July 23, 2020 Join us August 14th and 15th. We have 3 different sessions running in August for ages 10+ Friday August 14th: Rookie Division 10:00am -12:00pm (ages 10 to 15 years old) Friday August 14th: BCWBS Juniors: 1:00pm to 3:00pm (ages 15+) Saturday August 15th: 10:00am to 12:00pm (open to all) Lots of fun activities planned. Guest coaches are booked. Now all we need is you to sign up. read more...
BC Wheelchair Back to Basketball -Updated August 24, 2020

June 24, 2020 BCWBS, in alignment with Wheelchair Basketball Canada and Canada Basketball, has established new information for clubs, regions, and athletes as part of our Back to Basketball Strategy. On August 24th, viaSport BC announced that Sport in BC is moving to Phase 3. BC Wheelchair Basketball is also currently in Phase 3 of our plan, as stated below. read more...
Updated June 29, 2020 --BCWBS Return to Sport Planning Statement

May 18, 2020 At the present time BCWBS continues to monitor the information provided by public health officials and is in regular contact with viaSport BC and Wheelchair Basketball Canada. We thought, with segments of the BC and Canadian economy opening, it would be a good time to provide all of our members with an update on our Return to Sport plans as they continue to evolve. read more...
BCWBS has launched a weekly newsletter - The NETwork

May 06, 2020 With the constant change to our programs, environment and with the increased need to keep active, we have introduced a weekly newsletter. Read all of the latest BC Wheelchair Basketball news in The NETwork. Join our email list to have it directly in your inbox on Tuesday mornings. read more...