For Athletes
Want to Play Boccia or Hockey?
September 18, 2012 Check out these programs hosted by the City of Surrey and SportAbility. LEARN TO PLAY SLEDGE HOCKEY Want to learn how to play an exciting Paralympic sport? Learn how to move your sled, shoot the puck, and play fun games with an enthusiastic instructor. Perfect program for children, youth, and adults wanting to learn Canada’s national pastime! All abilities welcome. In partnership with SportAbility. read more...
SportZ Xtravaganza in Fort St. John
September 18, 2012 PacificSport Northern BC in partnership with many northern communities is facilitating SportZ Xtravaganza to bring awareness and participation opportunities of the 2015 Canada Winter Games (and Summer Games) sports to the youth and their families on one day, in conjunction with Sports Day in Canada. Try or learn about a sport activity during the day that is available through an organized local sport organization in your community.
New and Experienced Shared the Sport at the Third All-Comers Basketball Festival
September 17, 2012 It was a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon when several wheelchair basketball enthusiasts gathered in the gymnasium at Douglas College New Westmister Campus for the 3rd All Comers Festival to share the love of the sport with a group of wide eyed new comers.
Junior Programs Resume in Lower Mainland
September 14, 2012 BCWBS Junior programs are starting up for another season in Lower Mainland!
The junior wheelchair basketball programs are open to junior players ages 8 and up, both with a disability and without, from beginner to experienced players. For a quality sport experience, the ability to follow a sequence of instruction, good upper body mobility and use of a manual chair are required.
2012-13 Season Division 1 Information
August 21, 2012 BC-CWBL Division 1 Information is ready. If you are interested in playing in Division 1 this year, please see all the information below. The application deadline is Wed, September 12. Division 1 League 2012-13 Overview Division 1 League Application Form read more...
Join Us at All-Comers Basketball Festival - Sept 15
August 21, 2012 Want to try wheelchair basketball? Our third All-Comers Festival will be hosted by BCWBS and Bridging The Gap on Saturday, September 15 at Douglas College in New Westminster!
2012 BCWBS Junior Basketball Camp Aug 4-5
August 20, 2012 BCWBS had a great turn out to our annual Junior Wheelchair Basketball camp at Douglas College in New Westminster, BC on Aug 4-5. read more...
Paralympics Opening Ceremony Viewing Party at Ceili's
August 20, 2012 Can't be in London but still want to share the excitement of the world's biggest para-sport event? Come out to Ceili's in Richmond and cheer on our BC athletes and fellow Canadian Paralympians as they kick off their competitions in London. BC Wheelchair Sports will be hosting a viewing party of the London 2012 Paralympic Opening Ceremony and you're invited. Location: Ceili's Pub, 7311 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, V6X 3V9 read more...
London Paralympics Venue Map
August 17, 2012 has produced this great map that illustrates London Paralympics venues and detailing where each sproting contest will be held. Whether you are heading to London to cheer for your favorite team and athletes or staying to cheer them in front of a TV or computer, you can check out this map to get a feel of the town! read more...
We Want You to Like Us on Facebook!
August 16, 2012 Like us on Facebook for your chance to win your choice of a gift certificate ($75 value)!
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