The BC Wheelchair Basketball Society (BCWBS) is a non-profit organization formed in 1983 and registered with Revenue Canada as a charity since 1985. BCWBS provides support to wheelchair basketball programs throughout British Columbia. 

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Game results from BC-CWBL Kelowna tournament

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November 16, 2016  Well it was another successful BC-CWBL tournament held in Kelowna this past weekend. We had all 7 teams in our league come out and compete. We had some new faces join teams which made for some interesting games and scores. BCWBS had two different skills sessions on Saturday night, both going very well. It is wonderful to see players come together after competing to work together and build skills!  Thank you to all teams, officials, and volunteers who came out this weekend to help make it a fun and successful weekend! read more...

Game results from BC-CWBL Kelowna tournament

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November 16, 2016  Well it was another successful BC-CWBL tourmanent held in Kelowna this past weekend. We had all 7 teams in our league come out and compete. We had some new faces join teams which made for some interesting games and scores. BCWBS had two different skills sessions on Saturday night, both going very well. It is wonderful to see players come together after competing to work together and build skills!  Thank you to all teams, officials, and volunteers who came out this weekend to help make it a fun and successful weekend! read more...

Reminder: BCWBS to hold AGM

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November 10, 2016  BC Wheelchair Basketball Society will hold its AGM on Nov. 12th at noon at Kelowna Secondary School (1079 Raymur Ave. Kelowna, BC. V1Y 4Z7). All members are welcome to attend.  read more...

BC-CWBL Kelowna Tournament Held This Weekend

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November 09, 2016 BCWBS and Okanagan Thuder are hosting a BC-CWBL tournament in Kelowna this weekend. Everyone is welcome to come and watch the games. No adimmisions! BC-CWBL Kelowna Tournament When: November 12/13 Where: Kelowna Secondary School - 1079 Raymer Ave Teams: Okangan Thunder, Kamloops Bull-dawgs, Langley Gold Rush, Vancouver Classics, Vancouver Cable Cars, Victoria Chargers, Tacoma Titans Schedule:  Saturday, November 12 read more...

Nanaimo Have a Go Nights Held on November 22 & 29

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November 08, 2016 Mid Island Wheelchair Sports Club is hosting a wheelchair basketball Have a Go Nights on November 22nd & 29th. Mid Island Wheelchair Sport Club Wheelchair Basketball Have-A-Go Nights Where: Oliver Woods Gym in Nanaimo When: Tuesdays, November 22nd & 29th, 7:30-9:30pm Who: Anyone with or without disabilities who is 13 years old and over The session is FREE! Come on by to try this exciting sport! read more...

Western Conference Tournament Results

November 08, 2016 BC Royals welcomed BC Breakers, Edmonton Northern Lights, and Seattle Sonics at the Western Conference tournament held at the Richmond Olympic Oval on the weekend (November 5/6). Game results are as below: Saturday, November 5 BC Royals vs BC Breakers   55-15 Edmonton vs Seattle             34-61 BC Royals vs Seattle            47-49 Edmonton vs BC Breakers    54-37 read more...

Western Conference Tournament Comes to Richmond This Weekend

November 04, 2016 BC Royals and BCWBS are hosting a Western Conference Tournament at the Richmond Olympic Oval this weekend. Eveyone is welcome to come and support BC Royals and BC Breakers. (No admission to watch games.) read more...

Check out the BCWBS 2015/16 Annual Report

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October 31, 2016 From HOOPFEST to BC Games to Let's Play to the BC-CWBL Finals, it's been an action-packed year here at BC Wheelchair Basketball Society. That's why we're proud to release our annual report, which has stories, stats and much, much more.  To download the annual report, click here. read more...

Notice of BCWBS AGM

October 28, 2016  Please be advised that the BCWBS AGM will be held on Saturday, Nov. 12th at 12:15 pm at Kelowna Secondary (1079 Raymer Ave, Kelowna, BC V1Y 4Z7). The AGM will be held in conjunction with the BC-CWBL tournament.  read more...

17th Annual BCWBS Jr Challenge is coming to Maple Ridge

October 27, 2016   2016-17 BC Junior Challenge  

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